FASTA is developed by a world-class international research partnership
The FASTA team is a partnership between the National Centre for Atmospheric Science and the University of Leeds, working with African meteorologists and National Meteorological Services.
The team has built on international research carried out by the Global Challenges Research Fund funded African SWIFT programme.
Project Management/ Development Team

Professor Doug Parker
FASTA DirectorProfessor of Meteorology
National Centre for Atmospheric Science/ University of Leeds
Meteorologist studying the physics and fluid dynamics of the atmosphere. Investigating the dynamics of weather systems to explain their role in the climate system. Contributing to improving weather and climate predictions, and making these predictions more relevant to society.

Dr Mark Richardson
Technical HeadCentre for Environmental Modelling and Computation, University of Leeds
Computational expert helping environmental researchers prepare simulations, processing data from various sensor types, providing tools for data analysis and for displaying research outcome to a wider audience.

Dr Alex Roberts
Technical Science LeadNational Centre for Atmospheric Science
Research scientist with over a decade of experience working on the meteorology of Africa. Specialisms include the dynamics of deep convective storms, high impact weather, meteorological satellite data and numerical weather prediction.
Governance Board
Professor John Marsham
Met Office Joint chair
University of Leeds
Meteorologist researching convective storms and rainfall, with a focus on the tropics, especially Africa. Leading the East African project of the Future Climate for Africa programme and the Nowcasting work within GCRF African SWIFT
Dr Bethany Woodhams
Post Doc in Atmospheric Dynamics
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Researching convection over Africa and its predictability within numerical weather prediction models, with a focus on Lake Victoria.
Professor Andy Dougill
Dean of the Sciences
University of York
Applied environmental change researcher & experienced academic leader with over 30 years of experience integrating across disciplines including climate services, soil science and environmental social sciences
Dr Mariane Diop-Kane
Programme Manager, AMCOMET Secretariat
Meteorologist with a long experience in forecasting and research into the African monsoon and weather systems. Former Director of Meteorology of ANACIM, Senegal following experience at ACMAD, as Head of the Prediction Department. Involved in various African research programmes such as WAMP,
Dr Thorwald Stein
Associate Professor in Clouds
University of Reading
Focusing research on developing observational strategies to better understand and predict the life cycle of convective storms
Professor Alan Blyth
Professor of Atmospheric Science
University of Leeds / National Centre for Atmospheric Science
Expertise in Cloud Science
Professor Benjamin Lamptey
Africa Co-Lead
Cheney Visiting Professor of Meteorology
University of Leeds / West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use
African Scholar conducting world-class research in meteorology and climate change. Contributor to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)